Fellowship Programme

The objectives of the Fellowship Programme: 

Young researchers hosted at one partner facilities for one 6 month period - exceptionaly for one year period - were funded by the EchoGRID Fellowship Programme to closely interact with major researchers and leading scientific communities. The Fellows participated in regular in-house discussions and seminars and contributed to the EchoGRID effort in order to propagate scientific activities and dissemination across Europe.

The FP was open to postgraduate students who wanted to work with research groups involved in EchoGRID related activities. The successful Fellows had to agree and engage in the research topic proposed by the hosting Institutions (Applications proposing other topics of interests were rejected).

In addition to the training activities, the FP promoted career development, ideally within the network of partners and abroad to preserve excellence in the research environment.

   Name  Duration months
 Institute of origin
 Institute to be visited
 Topic of interest
 Starting date
 Yann Radenac
 12  INRIA  ICT  Grid programming model
 CFP-2/02  Xingwu Liu
 9  ICT  INRIA Rennes
 Programming models for the Grid
 CFP-3/03  Zhihui Dai
 9  CNIC  INRIA Sophia Antipolis
 Progamming model
 CFP-4/03  Chengchun Shu
 6  ICT  STFC(UK)  Grid Computing

Please see: RegulationsApplication form and topics of interest .