Home arrow Workshops arrow Eu-China Cooperation WS Beijing Oct 2008
EU-China Cooperation workshop - Beijing - 28 October 2008

This workshop organised by ERCIM and Beihang University took place at the Conference center of Beihang University (new main building) and promoted research collaborations between China and Europe in the Grid, as well as Services and Software Technologies areas.

Both European and Chinese representatives were present at the workshop:
          - the European Commission
          - the Chinese Ministry Of Science and Technology (MOST)
          - EU projects such as EchoGRID, BRIDGE, XTreemOS, GridCOMP, EU-ChinaGrid, Qualipso and several other projects
            involving chinese partners
          - Chinese and European Industries (Huawei, China Mobile Research, Thales, ENG...)
The participating projects presented their initial objectives and their achievements in terms of cooperation between both continents. This workshop was also an opportunity for fostering relationships with European and Chinese partners who are interested in EU projects, for developing future FP7 proposals and for networking. This was a good opportunity for project dissemination and collaboration activities.
  Programme  | Presentations   | Useful Information for your trip  | Registration 
  (Shenzhen and/or Beijing)

Venue: Beihang University

Accommodation: Rooms were arranged for the workshop participants at Park Plaza hotel.(Rate between 55 to 70 euros per night)
  • Reservation managed by ERCIM directly with the hotel and according to the check-in and check-out dates participants provided in the registration form.
  • Here is the address of the The Park Plaza Hotel (formely Tianhong Plaza Hotel): 25 Zhi Chun Road - Haiden District - Beijing 100083
          Hotel and Venue Addresses to print (in chinese and English)
          Park Plaza Map in Chinese