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Networking EU & Chinese Grid Experiences for Innovation

Tuesday 24 April 2007
EchoGRID-EUChinaGRID Opening Session
Welcome Addresses
Dr Xiaohan LIAO, Deputy Director, High & New Technology Departement, MOST
Alison Birkett, EC Delegation to China
Keynote Address
Mi Xiaozhe QIANG/Chunheng WANG, Division of Information – Grid-related research supported by the High-Tech Programme China
Wenbo Mao, HP Lab China -Grid Security via Two Levels of Virtualisation
Xintai Wang, eStarCom Inc -SOA-based Information Sharing & Exchange Grid
Wayne Wang, Intervision Software Co. Ltd. -Research & Development of Grid Middleware
Dongpu Fu, TongTech -Research of SOA & Product Application

Networking Coffee & Tea Break

Thematic Session 1 -Enterprise Challenges with Grids
Chair (China) Jacky Sheng, Huawei Co. Ltd. Chair (Europe) Andrea Manieri, Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica
Professor Junseok Hwang, Seoul National University & Head of Association of Enterprises Korea
Pawel Plaszczak, GridwiseTech - Business & Industry Benefits: Grid Technology Case Studies
Dr Wei Zhou, CNIC (CAS) -Integrating Scientific Data on Grid

Networking Lunch

Thematic Session 2 -Interoperability
Chair (China) Kai Nan, CNIC Chair (Europe) Federico Ruggieri, University of Rome Tre
Yongjian WANG, Beihang University - EGEE & CNGrid Interoperability
Jianxin LI, Beihang University - CROWN-ST: A Security & Trustworthiness Architecture for CROWN
Dr Gang Chen, IHEP - LCG: The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid

Networking Coffee & Tea Break

Live Demo & Poster Session
Demo 1: Maciej Malawski , Jagiellonian University - Biological Applications within EUChinaGRID
Demo 2: Zhao Yongwang, Beihang University - Seismic Data Processing
Demo 3: Boqun Cheng, Li Zha, ICT - The VEGA Project
Demo 4: Li Qin, Zhong Liang, Wo Tiangu, Tang Peng, Beihang University - CROWN
Demo 5: Clement Mathieu, Denis Caromel, Yu Feng, INRIA - ProActive, the Java GRID Middleware Library
Demo 6: Fabio Polticelli, University of Rome Tre - Rosetta Software for Protein Structure Prediction

Wednesday 25 April 2007
Thematic Session 3 -New Programming Paradigms
Chair (China) Yan Zhu, Beihang University Chair (Europe) Thierry Priol, INRIA
Professor Zhiwei Xu, ICT (CAS) - Network Centric Operating Systems
Andrea Manieri, Engineering - The NESSI Vision on Research Challenges
Zsolt Nemeth, SZTAKI - Distributed Workflow Co-ordination: Molecules& Reactions
Professor Huamin WANG, NUDT - Internet Virtual Computing Environment (IVCE)
Denis Caromel, INRIA - Grid Component Model (GCM) and Active Objects: from Multi-Core to Grid Programming

Networking Coffee & Tea Break

Thematic Session 4 - Management in Grids: The New Priorities
Chair (China) Sijin Qian, PKU Chair (Europe) Federica Tanlongo, GARR
Professor Zhongzhi Luan, Beihang University -Making Management An Essential Attribute of Grid
Andrea Manieri, Engineering, representing the ETICS Project -Toward A Quality Certification Model for Grid Research Project: a ETICS feasibility study

Networking Lunch

Thematic Session 5 - Ongoing Research versus Enterprise Achievements
Chair (China) Dr Gang Chen, IHEP Chair (Europe) Thierry Priol, INRIA
Professor Hai Jin, HUST -ChinaGrid
Professor Jinpeng Huai, BUAA -CROWN
Professor Depei Qian -CNGrid

Networking Coffee & Tea Break
Thematic Session 6 - Roundtable on Future Collaborative Scenarios
Panellists: Taoying Liu (ICT); Professor Hai Jin, HUST; Professor Jinpeng Huai, Professor Depei Qian, Frederico Ruggeri, Thierry Priol, Andrea Manieri, Pawel Plaszczak, Wenbo Mao, Xintain Wang, Wayne Wang, Dongpu Fu, Professor Jun-Seok Hwang, Jacky Sheng, Csilla Zsigri (Atos Origin, Spain), Florida Estralla (CERN, Switzerland), Federica Tanlongo.
17.30-18.00 Closing Session Thierry Priol INRIA Scientific Co-ordinator EchoGRID; Federico Ruggieri, Project Co-ordinator EUChinaGRID; Professor Depei Qian, Beihang University